Apr 30, 2011

Just Do It...

Pick up and self-help book, read any number of online articles from authors of any era from 1800s to 2000s, you will find the basics of success to be the same, and every once in a while you will realize that all points, techniques are plain common sense and the only difference between successful and not so successful people is very minor. I have identified the most basic of the basic factors that contribute to a persons success, "Just Do it" or "Do it now" or  "Act now".. you get it, now is what you have and do what is needed at this moment. Making the choice to do the right thing at the right time is a skill which is most critical but once you start "doing it" you will get this skill working for you automatically. Agile project management, which is considered one of the more successful and effective methodologies of getting projects completed within shortest possible time and with least  effort, and then repeating to improve upon version 1.0 boils down to the same principle of "Do it now!"...

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