Oct 7, 2011

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

We had been talking about Steve Jobs having pancreatic cancer and Apple pushing for iPhone5 and his authorized autobiography ahead of schedule so he may be able to present these before he moves on. And when iPhone 4s was launched it seemed like a non-event. The tech pundits started ridiculing the new team for being lackluster and not at par with launch events hosted by Steve jobs. Little did we know that they did an incredible job given the circumstances. Most of the Apple employees probably knew that the time has come for them to say good bye to an icon who can easily be considered at par with Ford, Carnegie, Wright brothers, and other great visionaries in history. Had it not been for Steve, we probably would still be dabbling on standard desktop computer with Monitor on top of a box and type writer style keyboards. The laptops would still be at least an inch thick, the MP3 players with non-standard, non-intuitive UIs, graphical OS GUIs wouldn't have been as developed as they are, we would still be struggling with trying to fit desktop GUI onto touch screen based devices, cell phones would not have become as smart and easy to use as they are, Android wouldn't have emerged and probably MS Windows wouldn't be what it is. Steve had a vision and followed it undeterred and the rest just kept trying catching up. Who else would have been able to get a cell phone vendor to not put their logo on a phone that they market? Who else at age 13 could've gotten free microprocessor chips from HP? here have been failures and mis-steps on his life, but he learned and kept moving forward. Even the way he left this World shows how prepared he was for future......

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